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Holy Week Pilgrimage Walk
13th  - 17th April 2025, Palm Sunday to Maundy Thursday

Crosswalk 2025:

Shrewsbury to Cefn Lea

We invite you to come and join us walking through the most exquisite countryside, being welcomes in parishes along the way and sharing prayer, experiences and friendship.

Pip Weitz shares her experience of the Crosswalks

Crosswalks have long  been a tradition of the LCSB. I never walked in the early days of the 70s 80s and 90s, but I remember taking large saucepans of cooked food for an evening dinner on various occasions to walkers of all ages with blisters, exhaustion and joy. This was enough to put me off as I’m a little softy in the walking department.

Fast forward to April 2025 and you’ll find that the Crosswalk that we’re doing from Shrewsbury to Cefn Lea could be renamed as Crosswalk for Softies. Our Crosswalk is designed for easy walking, fun, camaraderie and fellowship, prayer and singing and very few blisters. We welcome people of all ages and if you are struggling you can pop into my van and enjoy being driven some of the way. Either way you will enjoy spectacular scenery as we meander between Herefordshire and Wales … down in valleys and up on the hills, sometimes on a road and often off-road on tracks.

We receive huge welcomes along the route from various parishes and groups who host us.

I love my time with the Crosswalk, and this year (April 2025) I will be supporting the walk again with my camper van and trailer. My van has eight seats all waiting to welcome on board walkers needing to give their legs a rest!

In other words you just walk as much as you want to walk or as little as you want to and spent as much time as you want in the van, chatting away or just being prayerful in the back.

Please do think of  joining us: you won’t regret it.

Now for some facts: we usually sleep in church halls … so you’ll need a sleeping bag and some good shoes for walking, preferably waterproof.

We leave from Shrewsbury Abbey on Monday morning but will meet together on Palm Sunday late afternoon and share a meal with the Catholic parish before heading off to bed in the URC church hall! An example of things to come!

We recommend that you are able to walk at least five miles in a day unaided as a measure of the fitness that you will need.

We take it in turns to cook in the evening and usually shared a service with our hosting parish or group. 

We arrive at Cefn Lea where the LCSB will spend the Easter Tridium on the Thursday afternoon…. If you are not staying for Easter we can drop you off at Newtown Station.

The cost is likely to be between £100 and £120, but we wouldn't want anyone to be excluded because they can't afford it. Also whilst all ages are welcome, if you are under 18 you will need to be accompanied by a family member.

This year we will make the stations of the cross the theme of our walking pilgrimage… please come and join us.

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"I warmly endorse the celebration of the Benedictine way of living the Gospel. Blogs, talks and podcasts will highlight the inspiration that St Benedict brings to people's lives today, while community events and times of prayer will enable active participation in this way of life. St Benedict says that guests are to be received with humanity and humility, two qualities that I hope will characterise the experience of those taking part in the week."


Dom Christopher Jamison, Abbot President of the English Benedictine Congregation


We can see with what loving concern the Lord points out to us the path of life

The Lay Community of St. Benedict is incorporated in England and Wales
as a company limited by guarantee number 04838564.
Registered Office: 2 Egdean Walk, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3UQ
Registered Charity No. 1100638.

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