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St Benedict Week  - Talks

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The theme for this year's talks is "Benedict: Opportunity in a time of crisis."


In a world which resembles the epoch when St Benedict wrote his Rule, following the collapse of the Roman Empire, Pope Francis recently said to the Roman Curia, “Brothers and sisters, Christendom no longer exists.” Our speakers will explore different aspects of the heritage of the Rule of St Benedict, and how this presents an opportunity as we move into an apostolic age of renewal.  

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Jerome Beards

8th July 2024, 8pm - "Discovering rootedness"

Discipleship and Digital Coordinator

Jerome is the current Discipleship and Digital Coordinator for The Lay Community of St Benedict. He is passionate about helping young people to grow in their faith and bringing them to a deeper knowledge of Christ. Alongside his work with the community, he is also studying an MA in Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies at The University of Essex.

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Rowan Williams

Former Archbishop of Canterbury, theologian and poet

9th July 2024, 8pm - "Madeleine Delbrêl - forming community in response to danger and need"

Rowan Williams is a Welsh Anglican bishop, poet and theologian who has served both as the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury and as a member of the House of Lords. Williams has written extensively both on ecumenism and inter-faith relations. He has also written on Benedictine spirituality in The Way of St Benedict. He gave a memorable address to the Lay Community of St Benedict in 2021 as part of our 50th anniversary celebrations.

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Dr Scholastica Jacob


10th July 2024, 8pm - "St Benedict, guide in a time of crisis"

Dr Scholastica Jacob is a researcher at the University of Durham and a former member of Stanbrook Abbey, a convent of Benedictine nuns in Wass, North Yorkshire. She also works as a librarian and an archivist at St Antony's Priory, Durham. Her areas of research include nineteenth century religious life, the growth of Anglican monastic orders and women's reading habits and books.

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Fr Chad Boulton

Novice Master at Ampleforth Abbey

13th July 2024, from 11am on YouTube - "Still full of sap, still green – Benedictine fruitfulness today", delivered as part of the Ampleforth Home Retreats

Fr Chad Boulton OSB joined the monastic community of Ampleforth Abbey in 1992 and worked as a Housemaster and Chaplain in Ampleforth College. He is currently Novice Master, and Oblate Master, as well as being part of the Retreat Team. Not only will he be delivering a talk for St Benedict Week, but he has also been interviewed by Jerome Beards for an LCSB podcast episode which will be released during the week.

River Rapids

We can see with what loving concern the Lord points out to us the path of life

The Lay Community of St. Benedict is incorporated in England and Wales
as a company limited by guarantee number 04838564.
Registered Office: 2 Egdean Walk, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3UQ
Registered Charity No. 1100638.

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