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St Benedict Week 2025

5th-13th July 2025                Programme Organiser: Adam Simon

The LCSB is a lay-led, inter-generational, ecumenical and inclusive Benedictine community engaged with the world, with a mission to inspire people with the Gospel of Jesus and create a new generation of fans of St Benedict. We invite you to celebrate St Benedict Week in the company of a rich diversity of Benedictine communities, around the feast on 11th July.

Benedictine communities throughout the UK invite you to pray the Office of the Church in person or online - details are available on the Divine Office page.


A novena to St Benedict is available

to be prayed throughout the nine

days of St Benedict week.

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Online Talks

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Abbot Jeremias Schröder is our much esteemed keynote speaker in 2025 - more details about his talk will be available soon

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Share the joy of Community​

Click here for ideas for a Benedictine celebration 

Every Benedictine community is a unique flowering of the Holy Spirit - we invite all Benedictine communities to share photos of how they celebrate the feast of St Benedict.

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Listen to podcasts, enjoy blogs

Click here for podcasts

Click here for blogs

Podcasts and blogs with monks, lay Benedictines, writers, educators and others inspired by St Benedict will be released throughout St Benedict week.

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"I warmly endorse the celebration of the Benedictine way of living the Gospel. Blogs, talks and podcasts will highlight the inspiration that St Benedict brings to people's lives today, while community events and times of prayer will enable active participation in this way of life. St Benedict says that guests are to be received with humanity and humility, two qualities that I hope will characterise the experience of those taking part in the week."


Dom Christopher Jamison, Abbot President of the English Benedictine Congregation


We can see with what loving concern the Lord points out to us the path of life

The Lay Community of St. Benedict is incorporated in England and Wales
as a company limited by guarantee number 04838564.
Registered Office: 2 Egdean Walk, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3UQ
Registered Charity No. 1100638.

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