Study & Formation
As we journey through life, we expect to pick up new knowledge and new skills. The same should be true of our spiritual lives. Whatever our age, we aim to deepen our spiritual understanding.
St Benedict put study and formation centre stage in the daily life of his monks. Every day, time was set aside in the monastic day for prayerful reading. Whilst eating, monks would listen to books being read out to them. The last chapter of the Rule of St Benedict, Chapter 73, gives an outline of a reading list for anyone hastening on to the perfection of monastic life.
Study and formation are a central part of the life of the Lay Community of St Benedict. When we come together, for example at Easter or at regional group meetings, and when we are online, study and formation are an integral part of these events.
Learning in our community is something that takes place easily and naturally. It is joyful and simple. We learn from formal study sessions. But we learn as much by listening to our fellow participants and hearing what they have to say. Every time we come together to pray, for example when praying the Office, we listen to the word of God and reflect on what that means for us. Our community life is a life of formation.

If you would like to know more about study and formation events open to non-members, click below.