The Online Circle

Latest News, What's On & Announcements
The Online Circle Contents

Events News
Lent Season 5th March -18 April 2025
This Lent, in the Lay Community, we are being encouraged to put down deep roots of hope by connecting with God who is always with us. We will be doing this in several different ways, and we will be, especially, using the resources from The Church of England’s Lent theme for 2025 ‘Living Hope’ as our guide.
To read all about this exciting programme and to sign up for the weekly groups please go to
This 2025 Lent programme is being managed by Mark Kenny, Clare Morgan and Henrie Harrington-Vogt. They can be contacted at​

Silent Prayer for Sick Members Friday 7 March 2025
Every 1st Friday of the month from 20.45 - 21.15 we hold a session of silent prayer, for community members who are ill.
The next Friday will be 7th March.
This takes place in the Candle Chapel. You can see more detail here​.​
If you would like your name to be added to this list please email Stephen Serpell at

Southern Group Meeting 8 March 2025
​A Heroine for our Time
We will be acknowledging International Women's Day with a talk on the subject of a woman within the church whose vision, beliefs and strength provide inspiration to us in the 21st century.
In the Merstham / Redhill area. More information concerning the venue and speaker will be posted shortly.
​Please Please let Liz Brereton know before 15th February if you can come and make your bookings with Liz Brereton
All are welcome.​

Brighton: Monks in the City
MONK TALKS Tuesday 18 March 2025
A Spiral Staircase: the ever-deepening journey of conversion'
This talk is given by Abbot Mark Barret - Abbot of Worth Abbey.
​Part of a programme of opportunities to join with the community for prayer with reflection, contemplation and the teaching of the Rule of St Benedict.
18.00 Evening Prayer, 18.30 simple supper, 19.00 talk begins; concludes with the prayer of Compline at 20:15.
This event will be held in the Fitzherbert Community Hub adjacent to St John the Baptist, 2 Bristol Road, Kemptown, Brighton BN2 1AP.

Thames & Chilterns Group Meeting 28 March 2025
in Rickmansworth
This will take place at the home of Helen Nolan in Rickmansworth. We will have a bring and share lunch followed by a continuation of our discussion of The White Stone by Esther de Waal. Please contact Helen Nolan if you would like to attend. or 07980 600549.

Men's Bible Study: Judas 31 March 2025
Led by: Chris Walker
If you haven't seen the Men's Bible Study this is an impressive programe!
​You lucky men! And if any men haven't joined this group you really should - just have a look at their web page which includes their full 2025 programme. Why not give it a try and find out more about this study programme. ​
The Men's Bible Study programme is managed by Jim Rae.

TIME TO SIGN UP! The LCSB Young Adults Walk
A Holy Week Walking Pilgrimage weaving the English -Welsh Borders for adults aged 18 - 35
Saturday 12th - Maundy Thursday 17th April 2025
In this Jubilee Year of Hope when pilgrimage is being encouraged for us all, why not join us on a walking pilgrimage to our Easter Retreat at Cefn Lea? It is a wonderful opportunity to experience community and spend quiet time whilst enjoying beautiful countryside as we carry a cross towards Cefn Lea.
To book your place click the image to the left and scroll to the bottom of the eventbrite form for the Cross Walk bookings.
The current plan is to meet in Wolverhampton on Saturday 12th April in the evening, and start walking on the morning of Palm Sunday. We will walk between 11 and 16 miles (18 to 26km) a day, arriving at Cefn Lea on Maundy Thursday. Provisional accommodation is as follows:
Saturday night - Tettenhall, Wolverhampton
Sunday night - Norton, Shifnal
Monday night - Much Wenlock, Shropshire
Tuesday night - Church Stretton, Shropshire
Wednesday night - Bishop's Castle, Shropshire
The cost is likely to be around £80 - £100 based on previous experience, but no one should be excluded because of cost.
Click below to complete the Express of Interest Form (EoI).

TIME TO SIGN UP! A Holy Week Walking Pilgrimage weaving the English -Welsh Borders
13th - 17th April 2025, Palm Sunday to Maundy Thursday
In this Jubilee Year of Hope when pilgrimage is being encouraged for us all, why not join us on a walking pilgrimage to our Easter Retreat at Cefn Lea? It is a wonderful opportunity to experience community and spend quiet time whilst enjoying beautiful countryside as we carry a cross towards Cefn Lea. We gather on Palm Sunday evening and will be staying in various church and village halls along the way so you'll need a camping mat/ bed and a sleeping bag. In several places the local Christian community welcomes us for a short service and refreshments. Pip is providing a support vehicle so you will not have to carry luggage and so that you can sit out a leg if you need to.
It would be WONDERFUL to have a bumper group of people in this Jubilee Year! It really is a great way to arrive for the celebration of Easter. You can also use it as a way of introducing a non-member who enjoys walking to the LCSB: for many of us going on a Cross Walk was our introduction to the Lay Community.
To book your place click the image to the left and scroll to the bottom of the eventbrite form for the Cross Walk bookings.

Easter - Cefn Lea ​17th – 20th April 2025
The theme of our Easter celebration is ‘Guide our feet into The Way of Peace’. Join us as we once again invite the new life of Christ into our community. We are pleased to announce our keynote speaker this year is Fr Liam Hayes, Director of the Centre for Ecclesial Ethics at the Margaret Beaufort Institute.
Tickets can be booked here: LCSB - Easter 2025 Tickets - Eventbrite
For any access needs, please take a look at the Cefn Lea access guide here
News Section

On Saturday we held an EGM at which Adam, our leader, set out a development plan to take us forward. You can read more about that and watch the EGM if you missed it by clicking here.
Following this members have begun to amend their monthly or annual contributions, or set up a standing order to do so in order to pay for the work outlined by Adam that will take us forward into the future in a more efficient and professional way focusing on building the community especially focusing on families and young people. We recognise that so many give their support also in non-financial ways which is just as important.
We invite you to read more about this on our 2025 Appeal page which you will also find on the Members and Seekers Welcome pages once you have logged in.

We have now compiled a Book of Remembrance for all those members of the Lay Community who have gone before us. These are very cherished former members of our community and we remember them most fondly.
We invite you to visit it regularly and hold those who have died in your prayers.
Also please let us know if anything is not correct in the listings and we would like to add more photos and more information. If you have anything that you can add please just email Pip.

We are now collating publications and resources that are all over the website into a more coherent way so that you can use this section of the website as a resource for learning and deepening your faith.
If you have publications or resources that you would like added please contact Pip.
Please note we may not be able to put all the resources sent in and the Leader's decision on some resources is final.