Welcome to all!
We believe in the divine spark in every single human being,
sometimes just waiting to be lit.
We have a desire to light or kindle that spark into a flame.
We seek to be a source of stability to help to counter the busyness and distractions of life,
so that the flame of love and faith can stay alight.

St Benedict encourages us to learn to live in confidence with our frailties and weaknesses.
In this spirit, we offer welcome, listening, hope, friendship, and a holy space on our precious planet.
Those who seek guidance, we welcome with the Gospel, and the Rule of St Benedict, a tradition dating back 1,500 years.
Those who seek meaning, we welcome to the experience of formation, Scripture, and prayer within an inter-generational community
All are welcome!
“The only answer in this life to the loneliness we are all bound to feel is community. The living together, working together, sharing together, loving God and loving our neighbour, and living close to Him in community so we can show our love for Him."
Dorothy Day
