Welcome to LCSB Young Adults!
If you would like to know more about being part of our Young Adults programme please contact Jerome Beards DDC@lcsb.uk
Get involved.
Our young adults’ group is made up of people from all over the country aged 18-35, studying, in work, or anywhere in between. We meet together online, and in person on retreats and trips over the course of the year.

Young Adult Crosswalk
A crosswalk is a walk of witness, a chance to build new friendships in faith and an opportunity to journey together with other young christians in preparation for the Easter weekend.
We carried a cross from Wolverhampton to Wales, staying in church halls along the way. We were blessed by wonderful hospitality from those who hosted us, and we had some very special conversations with people we met.
Take a look at our photo gallery for some snapshots!
Lectio Divina
We have two groups that meet every week online to come together, catch up, and pray with the Scriptures.
The focus is on listening, both to God and to each other. In that way we build up community.
Everyone is welcome! It's a great way to meet other young adults who are exploring their faith and to spend some time with the Lord!
For more info, email Jerome at DDC@lcsb.uk


Come and spend a weekend with other young adults, exploring and deepening in the Christian faith!
Our last retreat was all about discovering the Divine Office, the way that the Church prays with the Psalms. We ate together, sang together - in a mixture of languages! - and prayed together!